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SSC MTS Online Application Form 2017

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will be conduct the Multitasking Staff (MTS) Exam to recruitment for various Post of Non -Technical Staff in various Government Departments. So all the Eligible and interested candidates need to fill up the SSC MTS Online Application Form before the deadlines. Aspirants can make their future bright and secure the great opportunity position. SSC MTS Application form will be available in online or Offline Mode. MTS Online Application form will be available on the official website and Aspirants, who want to submit the offline Application form, can download the Application form from the Official Portal and send it through the Post. We are here to provide all the compulsory information regards SSC MTS Exam link eligibility, Syllabus, Result, Admit card and more other valuable information.SSC MTS 2017 Important Date

We know that lakes number of candidate participate in SSC MTS examination every year, this year all those candidate who have registered for the exam are ready for the written test will be conduct from 16th April to 07th May, 2017 in all over country. Admit card will be issued region wise 15th days before the exam.

Starting Date 31.12.2016
Closing Date 30.01.2016 (upto 5:00 PM)
Examination Date 16.04.2017, 30.04.2017, 07.05.2017
Admit Card issued date Update soon
Result date Update soon

MTS (Multitasking Staff) Vacancy – 833 Post (Region wise Detail)

Central Region (CR) 173 85 32 35 325
Eastern Region (ER) 302 212 62 58 634
Karnataka & Kerala (KKR) 330 208 83 45 666
North Region (NR) 1731 1071 179 205 3186
North East Region (NER) 98 67 36 25 226
North West Region (NWR) 347 134 30 23 534
Madhya Pradesh Region (MPR) 297 151 52 36 536
South Region (SR) 416 160 90 39 705
Western Region (WR) 708 477 175 128 1488
TOTAL 4402 2565 739 594 8300

SSC MTS Eligibility Criteria

Here we are providing the Eligibility Criteria Details for the Candidates who are going to apply for SSC MTS 2017 Recruitment please check the points which are mention below before applying for the online Application form such as Educational Qualification, Age Limit and Selection process.

Educational Qualification

Aspirants should have passed Matric and Higher Secondary (+2 Level) Exam or equivalent from a state or central recognized Board or Institute.

Age Limit

The Candidates should have minimum Age limit is 18 year and Maximum Age limit is 27 years. Age relaxation will be available for SC / ST Category Candidates.

Selection Process

Aspirants will be selected in SSC MTS Recruitment on the basis of performance in the written Exam and Skill Test.

SSC MTS Non-Technical Syllabus & Exam Pattern

All the candidates who are attending the examination need to check the SSC MTS Exam Pattern before starting preparation. We will suggest you that download the Exam Pattern in PDF format from the official website. We are provided all the information regards Exam Pattern such as number of questions, type of questions, marking scheme and exam time duration. Reading this article you can improve your performance in the examination. In Written Test consists of Objective Type Multi Choice Questions only. In the skill Test a Short Essay / Letter in English or any other language question asked. There is 0.25 marks is negative marking for wrong answer.

S. NO Paper Exam Type Topics No. of Questions Marks Duration
1. Paper-I


Objective General Intelligence & Reasoning 25 25 2 Hours
2. Numerical Aptitude 25 25
3. General English 50 50
4. General Awareness 50 50
5. Paper-II Descriptive Short Essay/Letter 50 30 Minutes
Total 200

SSC MTS 2017 Admit card

The SSC MTS Admit Card will have the entire important information regards exam such as Exam Date, Exam Venue and Address of the Exam Center, Name, Roll No., and Registration No. And Photo & Signature and many more. All the Aspirants need to get a hard copy of SSC MTS Admit card from the official website by using their Registration ID and Date of birth (DOB). Exam authority will be sending the SSC MTS Admit card by post also if you apply offline. Aspirants need to carry their MTS Exam Hall ticket to the exam center in the day of Exam.

SSC MTS 2017 Answer Key

Answer key is the collection of all the answers asked in the exam. SSC MTS answer Key will be announced by the exam authority after the examination through the official portal. Candidates can match their answers with answer key and calculate your marks. Normally SSC Takes 3 to 4 months for declaration of results but it is provided their SSC MTS Answer Key to checking the performance and estimates their results so they are download paper set code wise answer key from the official website of Department.

SSC MTS Cut off Marks

Staff Selection Commission will shortlisted cut off marks / Merit list according to the minimum qualifying marks in both papers i.e. paper 1 and paper 2. SSC MTS Cut off marks for General Category candidates will be higher than the reserved category Candidates. the commission release cut off with results. number of candidate from each category is different – different. there are many factor that is directly affect Cut off marks i.s total number of post for each category and no of candidate in response apply for that post.

SSC MTS 2017 Result

All the students who are appeared in the SSC MTS Examination are eagerly waiting for the SSC MTS Exam Results 2017. We are suggested to download the SSC MTS Exam Results from the official result portal. SSC Department will be publishing the result after exam 2 or 3 months. All the aspirants who looking for the SSC Results will be get it from the official website by Name wise or Roll number wise.

SSC Multitasking Previous Papers

In the SSC Examination completion level is very tough in present time so we suggested all the candidates for hard exam preparation to make their selection for the MTS Post. You will need to firstly preparation for the exam need to syllabus and also read the previous 10 years solved papers that they make help in good exam preparation. You will be using the previous papers / Model Question papers to get ready to select for the Staff Selection Commission Job.

SSC MTS Exam Preparation Tips

Candidates who are going to attempt the SSC MTS Examination which have huge reputation across India. SSC MTS Exam has very tough Computation so candidates need to better exam preparation. Candidates who are really wised to get job through SSC need to hard work and give their best in the examination. We are provided some exam tips for you which are given below:-

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