Please read following instructions carefully, before filling online registration form
Before filling online registration form be sure you have:
All documents /mark sheets related to your qualification, experience (if any) and reserved category (if any) ready with you.
Scanned copy of passport size colored photograph.
Valid E-mail Id, this will help you to get related information via e-mail.
Do not use abbreviation while entering registration form.
Kindly provide valid E- mail Id and Contact number.
Provide genuine information to avoid rejection of registration.
Note down password you choose during registration for future reference.
After successful submission, registration number along with the password will be displayed on the screen.
Kindly click on "Preview" button to check the information you entered in the registration form.
Click on "Print" button to get Provisional I-card (2 copies).
Submit copies of related testimonials along with 1 copy of provisional I-card to the concerned/local Employment Exchange within 15 days of online registration.