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Revised Counseling Schedule for Diploma Courses 2016-17.
Downloading/Printing of Admit Cards for DET-L(OLET)-2016 available from 5:30 PM on 16/05/2016.
Verification of Applications Forms for Diploma Engg. and Diploma Pharmacy started from 11:30 AM on 16/05/2016.
Filling up of Online Applications for admission in Diploma Engg. and Diploma Pharmacy courses starts from 28/04/2016.
Filling up of Online Applications for OLET for admission in MCA course starts from 28/04/2016.
Filling up of Online Applications for OLET for admission in B.Tech. Lateral Entry course starts from 26/04/2016.
Filling up of Online Applications for OLET (DET-L) for admission in Diploma Engg. Lateral Entry course starts from 25/04/2016.

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